American Heritage School : Admission, Tuition, Programs, Acceptance rate

American Heritage School is one of the best (PK-12) private schools that offers great learning and education to high school and grade school students. Learn more about how to apply to any of the American Heritage school campuses in Florida and Utah, their tuition fees, scholarships, programs, and curriculum.

Below is a little overview of American Heritage School – Florida, and Utah.

American Heritage School is an umbrella name to three different private schools located in different areas. There is the American Heritage School, Broward Campus, American Heritage School, Palm beach County, and American Heritage School Utah.

The first two schools in Florida offer high class education to its students, and aims to develop the skills they’d need to prepare for College.

On the other hand, American Heritage School, Utah is a Christian school near Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple, oriented toward The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Find out more about these prestigious schools and what makes them stand out as you read this article.

The table of content below will guide you through reading.

Why American Heritage School?

American Heritage School is a K-12 private high school founded in 1970. Since then, it has grown to become the top private school in the nation for academic excellence. The school has two campuses in Florida, and another in American Fork, Utah.

Each campus operates distinctively and independently. Let’s take a look at them below.

American Heritage School – Florida

American Heritage School (AHS, Heritage) is an independent, nonsectarian, and co-educational college preparatory day school for grades pre-K3 to 12.

The two campuses combined together is home to about 4200 students with its wooded 40-acre campus size.

The curriculum at American Heritage School Florida is prepared to serve students of all kinds, gifts, and intelligence quotients. In addition, the school aims to develop the character, confidence, and leadership of its students hence the need to provide top-notch education through qualified teachers.

American Heritage School – Florida is managed by educators and has no governing board. It is a tuition-only school that neither asks for or accepts donations. Children of faculty and staff receive full tuition at the school.

Students at American Heritage come from different backgrounds. And about 50 countries are represented among the student body.

American Heritage School – Utah

American Heritage School is a K-12 Private Christian School, serving 900 students on its 40-acre campus size.

Its campus is in an urban setting with a total high school enrollment of over 5000 students partaking in both homeschool courses and distance education offered by the school.

The school moved to its current campus in 2002 and presently enrolls approximately 900 students in grades K-12.

American Heritage School is known to offer effective educational resources for parents. Through their curriculum, they assist children and families to maximize their divine potential by;

  • Being useful in the hands of the Lord in building the Kingdom of God on Earth.
  • Increasing faith in and knowledge of the plan of salvation.
  • Developing a love, understanding, and appreciation or America and the founding Fathers
  • Developing the academic knowledge and skills necessary to be able to make self-education a life-long pursuit.
  • Learning to reason and discern between right and wrong, truth, and error.
  • Developing character and seld-government of mind and body
  • Conducting themselves in all aspects of life as Christains.

Additionally, the school offers small class sizes of about 20, with a student-to-teacher ratio of 13:1.

All activities, teaching, governance, and administration are carried out in light of the school’s core pillars which are;

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  • Christain Character
  • Transformational Scholarship
  • Responsible Liberty

So you can be assured that your ward is receiving the best education in a top-notch school. Also, your ward is raised in an environment of morals and lives his or her life in line with God’s wish.

Additionally, the school offers a full array of academic, fine arts, and athletics opportunities for its students. Activities include ballroom dance, choir, drama, orchestra, experiential learning, student government, robotics, chess club, basketball, volleyball, soccer, track and field, tennis and cross country.

American heritage School is funded through tuition and private donations and accepts no public funding.

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7 Principles of Liberty

American Heritage School Utah is oriented toward the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Hence, it has 7 principles of liberty wherein all activities at the school are in line with.

American Heritage School Rankings

The rankings for each of the American Heritage Schools differ from one another since they all operate independently.

#1. American Heritage School (Broward Campus) – Plantation Florida

According to Niche 2025 rankings, Broward Campus ranks at;

Rankings In America In Florida Miami Area Broward County
Best Private K-12 Schools #35 #2 #2 #2
Best College Prep Private High Schools #64 #3 #3 #2
Best Private High Schools #85 #3 #3 #2
Most Diverse Private High Schools #131 #12 #4 #2
Best High Schools for STEM #155 #4 #3 #2
Best High Schools for Athletes #799 #32 #10 #4

#2. American Heritage School – (Palm Beach Campus)

According to Niche 2025 rankings, American Heritage School, Palm Beach Campus ranks at;

Rankings In America In Florida Miami Area Palm Beach County
Best Private K-12 Schools #52 #3 #3 #1
Best College Prep Private High Schools #107 #5 #5 #1
Best Private High Schools #110 #4 #4 #1
Most Diverse Private High Schools #95 #6 #2 #1
Best High Schools for STEM #216 #7 #5 #1
Best High Schools for Athletes #108 #29 #9

#3. American Heritage School – (Utah)

According to Niche rankings, American Heritage School Utah ranks at;

Rankings In America In Utah Salt Lake City Area Utah County
Best Christian High Schools #206 #1 #1
Best College Prep Private High Schools #7 #6
Best Private High Schools #6 #5
Best Private K-12 Schools #3 #3
Best High Schools for STEM #14 #10 #3
Best High Schools for Athletes #97 #53 #15

American Heritage Schools Accreditation

The accreditation for each of the American Heritage Schools vary.

#1. American Heritage School – Florida

Both campuses of American Heritage School – Florida is accredited by;

#2. American Heritage School – Utah

American Heritage School – Utah is accredited by both the Northwest Association of Independent Schools (NWAIS) and AdvancED.

Address- American Heritage School

Both AHS campuses in Florida are situated in different locations. Below are their addresses.

#1. American Heritage School- Florida ( Broward Campus)

The Contact address for American heritage School, Broward Campus is at;

Contact address: 12200 West Broward Boulevard Plantation, FL 33325
Telephone: (954)- 472- 0022
Email: [email protected]

#2. American Heritage School – Florida ( Palm Beach Campus)

The Contact address for American Heritage School, Palm Beach Campus is at;

Contact address: 6200 Linton Blvd Delray Beach, FL 33484
Telephone: (561)- 495 – 7272
Email: [email protected]

#3. American Heritage School – Utah

The Contact address for American Heritage School Utah (On-Campus) is at;

Address: 736 North 1100 East, American Fork, UT 84003
Text: (801) 658-9838
Call: (801) 642-0055
Toll-free: (800) 921-8752
Fax: (801) 642-0060
Email: [email protected]

AHS Online

Text: (385) 213-0707
Call: (801) 642-0057
Email: [email protected]

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American Heritage School Academics

American Heritage School academics offer programs and curriculum designed to develop students’ strengths and passions to ultimately allow them to reach higher academic goals.

#1. American Heritage School – Florida Academics

The programs offered at American Heritage School – Florida include;

  • Lower School
  • Upper School
  • Pre-Pofessional Program
  • Tutoring Program
  • International

Below are explanations of these programs and their curriculum.

From lower school, students are prepared to be independent and productive when they progress into upper school.

The lower school comprises of

  • Primary (PK-K)
  • Elementary (1-6)

Primary Academic Overview

The primary program consists of pre-kindergarten to kindergarten (PK-K). It is designed to help each child learn. It recognizes that young children learn best in an environment that’s rich in sensory experiences. One that compliments all of their five senses.

Hence, the curriculum includes classes in;

  • Computer Education
  • Art
  • Media Center
  • Music
  • Spanish
  • PE
  • Investigative Science Lab

Also included are free play like music, art and drama activities.

Elementary Academic Overview

The elementary school consists of (Grades 1-6). The program is designed to teach the students the fundamentals of reading, process writing, mathematics and English through a logical progressive sequence.

In addition, the curriculum includes social studies, handwriting, spelling, science and health.

It is supported by “enrichment” classes in computer education, art, media center, music, Spanish, Chinese, PE, and investigative science Lab.

All these are taught as the student progresses to other grade classes from grade 1.

At Upper school, students are prepared to be leaders of the 21st century wo possess knowledge, integrity, and compassion.

The upper school comprises of

  • Junior High (7-8)
  • High School (9-12)

 Junior High Overview (7-8)

Math, reading, grammar, literature, social studies and science are the core subjects of the junior high curriculum.

Students here take two language arts classes each day. One class focuses on reading and literature, the other on written and oral communications. Students who qualify may elect to take honors English classes.

High School (9-12) Overview

At the high school level, the emphasis is placed on college preparation with required course offerings in English, math, social studies, history, science, foreign languages, the arts, computer education, and physical education.

In addition, there is extra emphasis on higher level thinking skills, and students are challenged by required research, speech and writing assignments in all subject areas. Technology is included in all subject areas

Parents can decide to enroll in tutoring program for their kids. However, there are rules that apply to this program.

The parent will be held responsible for payment of a scheduled tutoring session if an email cancellation is not received at least three hours prior to the session time. The PARENT must advise The American Academy’s tutor of any cancellation of tutoring sessions, the student cannot cancel the session. Notification must be made by email to the tutor.

See more details HERE.

American Heritage School offers an excellent college preparatory program to students from around the world who seek to study in the United States.

The school has two 40-acre campuses located in South Florida, one in Broward County (15 minutes north of Miami, Florida) and one in Palm Beach County (10 minutes north of Boca Raton, Florida).

If you want to apply to any of the campuses, Click the button below.


For more information about Academics at American Heritage School – Florida (both campuses), click the button below.


#2. American Heritage School – Utah Academics

The programs offered at American Heritage School – Utah include;

  • Elementary School
  • Middle School
  • High School

For more information about Academics at American Heritage School – Utah, click the button below.


What is the Cost of Tuition at American Heritage School?

The cost of tuition varies from each American Heritage School. Nonetheless, below is a table of the tuition fees according to the respective school.

American Heritage School – Florida

Tuition at American Heritage School – Florida varies according to the different programs. Below is a table outlining the tuition as well as the program.

Grade Tuition Fee
Pre-K 3 $26,524
Pre-K 4 $27,012
Kindergarten $27,507
Grade 1 $27,997
Grade 2 $28,484
Grade 3 $28,974
Grade 4 $29,465
Grade 5 $29,952
Grade 6 $30,445
Grade Tuition
Grade 7 $30,933
Grade 8 $31,423
Grade 9 $31,918
Grade 10 $32,404
Grade 11 $32,894
Grade 12 $33,386

American Heritage School – Utah

Below is a table that shows the tuition fee for the various program levels in AHS Utah.

Grade Full Time AHS Essentials
K $6,120 $3,610
1-6 $7,680 $4,530
7-8 $7,980 $4,710
9-12 $9,420 $5,560
International $22,500 N/A

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American Heritage School Admissions

Below are the admission processes for the different American Heritage Schools

#1. American Heritage School Florida

The admission process into any of the campuses of the American Heritage School – Florida is really easy. Below are the steps on how to apply, as well as the admission requirements.

Campus Tour

Before you apply for your child, you are advised to visit American Heritage School for a campus tour and/or open house.

Contact the Admissions Office at extension (954) 472-0022, extension 3062, to arrange an appointment.

For the Palm beach campus, contact the Admissions office at (561) 495-7272 at ext 219 to schedule an appointment.


American Heritage School uses an online admissions process. Kindly click on the APPLY button below and create a user account.

Once your account has been created, you will be able to complete the admissions application, upload academic records, request Teacher and Principal Recommendations, and manage your student’s admissions progress.

For the Palm Beach Campus, apply by clicking the button below


Academic Records

After you’ve submitted your application, you are required to upload directly on your account, your child’s academic records for the previous two academic years.


Admissions tests are a compulsory part of the admission process. So, after you have submitted your forms and documents, you can schedule testing by calling Mrs. Reyna Oriol at (954) 472-0022, extension 3022, or by email.

For the Palm Beach campus, you can schedule testing by calling  Mrs. Alejandra Ospina at (561) 495-7272 at extension 129 or by email.

Post Test Expectations

Immediately following the testing, parents will meet with an Admissions Director for results and/or next steps.

When an applicant is accepted for admission, the parents will receive an enrollment contract along with all pertinent enrollment documentation.

In order to secure a spot, the contract must be executed and the appropriate deposit made.

Any other questions should be directed to the admissions office of the campus you are applying to using the contact details above.

#2. American Heritage School – Utah

Before applying to American Heritage School- Utah as a new family, you are required to follow some simple admissions steps.

Step 1: Fill the online application form. You’d be required to pay a fee by credit card or ACH direct debit.

Click the button below to complete your application.


Step 2: Submit the following supporting documents

  • Student Photo
  • Student Questionnaire
  • Birth Certificate
  • Demographic Information
  • Immunization Record
  • Recent Report Card/Official Transcript
  • Student Honor Code Grades K-6 / Grades 7-12
  • Parent Photo(s)

The supporting documents will need to be uploaded as part of the online application.

For International Students

American Heritage School welcomes international applicants for grades 9–12. Below are the admission processes.

Step 1: Learn about AHS. Watch the introductory video on the school’s website, review the school, call and schedule a tour. Families should be aware of the school’s mission statement and ensure their child’s goal is in line with it.

If your child has an English Language deficiency, he or she may be required to attend another English-speaking school for at least a year before applying.

Step 2: Submit your online application by clicking on the button below.


Before that, ensure you have the following supporting documents ready.

  • Application fee – $110 USD
  • Student Photo
  • Student Questionnaire
  • Demographic Information
  • International Form
  • Bank account balance statement showing sufficient funds to pay tuition, living expenses, uniform expenses, and other fees (typically at least $30,000 USD or an equivalent amount).
  • Honor Code Statement
  • Birth Certificate
  • Immunization Records
  • Transcript for all high school years or last year of schooling if entering 9th grade. All International students applying to grades 10-12 are required to have transcripts converted to United States educational equivalents using the I.E.R.F Credentials Evaluation Service.  This can be requested at the following link: Please request a “Detail Report” (also known as a course-by-course report), then submit via to American Heritage Admissions Office as part of the application. The approximate cost for this report is $165.Sample Detail Report
  • Parent photos
  • TOEFL iBT Exam Score (upload) – The minimum TOEFL score that we accept for 9th-grade entry is 64, 10th-grade entry is 67, and 11th and 12th-grade entry is 70. American Heritage School’s designated TOEFL institution code is C245.

Step 3: Schedule and take Academic Assessment. Typically, this is done online through platforms like Zoom or GoToMeeting. And it is scheduled by the Admissions office.

Step 4: After completing your online application and assessments, please contact the American Heritage School to request an interview. The prospective student and parents should attend the interview together, whenever possible.

Step 5: Applicants may be admitted, placed on a waitlist, or not admitted. Students must accept their offer for admission.

Students who accept their offer for admission will receive via FedEx a signed Form I-20 that must be shown to a U.S. Consulate and must pay an I-901 Processing Fee of $200 (USD) to receive F-1 Student Visa status.

If a student is transferring from another SEVP-approved school, an I-20 transfer request will be placed by AHS.

Step 6: Arrange Host accommodations. Families or agents arrange local host-family accommodations. Home-stay negotiations and arrangements are the sole responsibility of the student’s family or agent and the host family—NOT American Heritage School. 

Step 7: Parents and hosts should become and remain involved in their international student’s educational experience

Step 8: As part of the terms and conditions of enrollment, all students and their parents, or host parents, are asked to provide service to the school. Currently, parents and host parents are required to provide a minimum of 30 hours of service per academic year per family.

For further information and inquiries, contact the admissions office at [email protected], or by calling (801) 642-0055 x 310.

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American Heritage School Scholarships

Just as the schools operate independently, they offer scholarships independently too. Let’s look at the scholarships offered by the different schools.

#1. American Heritage School – Florida

Every year, AHS Florida offers a limited number of 50% and 100% 4-year tuition scholarships to rising 9th-grade students. This scholarship is known as the Academic Scholarship Program.

Eligibility Requirements

The major criteria for being eligible for this scholarship program is to pass the exam. Asides from that, below are the requirements to be eligible for this scholarship

  • The student must be at the top of their class in middle school, earning mostly A’s in honors-level classes.
  • The student must be taking high school classes while in middle school (i.e. Algebra 1, Geometry, Spanish 1, Spanish 2).
  • Must be passionate about their extra-curricular activities, including community service, clubs, academic competitions, research, athletics,  etc.
  • Must be leaders in and out of the classroom.
  • Students should be model citizens in their current middle school (no disciplinary issues).

If your child meets these requirements, kindly contact the admissions office at  (561) 495-7272, ext.219, and indicate your interest in the scholarship.

For the Broward Campus applicants, kindly contact the admissions office at (954) 472-0022, ext. 3021, and indicate your interest in the Academic Scholarship Program.

Scholarship Deadline:

Academic Scholarship recipients are typically notified by March 1st.

How to Apply

Kindly click the apply button below to complete your application for the Academic Scholarship Program.


#2. American Heritage School – Utah

American Heritage School – Utah provides need-based and merit-based scholarships.

Need-based Scholarship

The purpose of need-based scholarships is to assist families already enrolled at American Heritage School with substantial difficulty making tuition payments.

Eligibility Requirement

Below are the requirements to be eligible for this scholarship.

  • Students must have been enrolled for a minimum of two consecutive terms at American Heritage School.
  • The family must be current on tuition payments.
  • The family must have carefully explored other sources of assistance, such as sponsorship from extended family members.
  • Students must demonstrate Christian behavior and adherence to the mission statement of the School.
  • Students must demonstrate consistent, satisfactory academic, and behavioral performance.
  • A completed need-based application (available on the School’s website) must be submitted, including the following attachments:
  • A written letter stating the reason for the request and the family’s current circumstances.
  • A signed copy of the most recent tax return as filed with the IRS
Scholarship Deadline

Below is table of the deadline depending on the application date.

Application Date Scholarship consideration
April 1 June 1
August 1 September 1
November 1 December 1
January 1 February 1
Scholarship Terms

Below are the terms of the need-based scholarships

  • A need-based scholarship grant is effective only for the academic year for which the family applies. A new application is required for each subsequent year.
  • A need-based scholarship grant is effective only as long as the student is enrolled at American Heritage School. If a student withdraws from the School, the remainder of the scholarship grant is forfeited.
  • A need-based scholarship grant is effective only so long as the student continues to demonstrate a good faith effort to adhere to the mission statement and policies of the School.
  • A family who receives a need-based scholarship can expect to be called upon from time-to-time to provide service to the school beyond the 20-hour minimum service hour commitment (examples might include temporary lunchroom help, special event set-up or take-down, special event assistance, project-based custodial assistance, etc.).

Merit-based Scholarship

The merit-based scholarship program aims to acknowledge and reward incoming Ninth through Twelfth Grade students who demonstrate superior academic performance and outstanding self-government.

Eligibility Requirement

The main criteria to be considered for a merit-based scholarship are superior academic performance (as measured by GPA and rigor of courses elected) and outstanding self-government.

Asides from that, below are the requirements to be eligible for this scholarship.

  • The student must articulate his/her merit in a letter to the Scholarship Committee. The letter may include the following:

    Why the student appreciates being able to attend American Heritage School.
    Why the student should be considered for a merit-based scholarship (including any financial considerations).
    Student’s academic accomplishments during the previous year.
    Student’s educational goals for the future.
    How the student strives to be a model student of the principles incorporated in the Mission Statement of American Heritage School.
    Examples of service the student has rendered to the school, church, community, or nation.

  • The student must have completed at least one year at American Heritage School.
  • The family must be current on tuition payments.
  • Students must demonstrate Christian behavior and adherence to the mission statement of the School.
  • The student must demonstrate consistent, satisfactory academic, and behavioral performance.
Scholarship Deadline

Applications for merit-based scholarships must be submitted no later than April 1 to be considered for the next school year.

Notable Alumni

Below are some of the notable alumni of the prestigious American Heritage School Florida.

  • Shaun Anderson – professional baseball player for the San Francisco Giants
  • River Alexander – actor
  • Brian Burns – professional football player for the Carolina Panthers
  • Kenny Boynton – professional basketball player
  • Triston Casas – professional baseball player for the Boston Red Sox
  • Nick Castellanos – professional baseball player for the Cincinnati Reds
  • Zack Collins – professional baseball player for the Chicago White Sox
  • Jakob Chychrun – professional ice hockey player for the Arizona Coyotes
  • Eric Hosmer – professional baseball player for the San Diego Padres
  • Greg Joseph – football placekicker for the Tennessee Titans of the National Football League
  • Deven Marrero – professional baseball player for the Boston Red Sox

For more information about American Heritage School, Please visit their websites below, by clicking on the school of your interest.

Elementary School consists of Kindergarten and Grade (1-6). Core classroom experiences include; Geography, History, Language Arts, and Math.

Special classroom experiences include; Art, Music, Physics Education, Science.

Middle School consists of seventh and eighth grade. Core classroom experiences include; History, Language, and Literature.

Elective course option include Computer.

High School consists of ninth and tenth grade. Core classroom experiences include; English, History, and Written portfolio.

Elective course options includes Art & Tech, Foreign Language, Math, Other, P.E, Performing Arts, Science.


#American #Heritage #School #Admission #Tuition #Programs #Acceptance #rate

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