The University of Haifa International School is offering Masa Scholarship to help talented international (non-Israeli) students complete a one-year master’s degree in archaeology (specialization in prehistoric archaeology).
Take your time and go through this article of Masa Scholarship for International, the World Scholarship Forum Team has arranged all the details you need to win the Masa Scholarship 2025.
The master’s program is focused on prehistory and palaeoenvironment of the Mount Carmel region, with course topics also ranging from environmental archaeology; archaeological theory and method; and archaeology of the Southern Levant.
Students can choose to specialize in one of many relevant topics, such as lithic, faunal, geological and palynological studies.
Haifa University is one of Israel’s leading research universities, dedicated not only to academic excellence but also to social responsibility. Haifa University is a microcosm of Israeli society, a fascinating and inspiring cultural mosaic.
The diverse group of 18,000 students includes Jews and Muslims, Christians and Bahais, Druze and Bedouins, new immigrants and ethnic Israelis. There is also a growing number of international students from around the world.
All You Need To Know About Masa Scholarship 2025
The Masa Scholarship for International is available to pursue a master degree program and awarded in the field of Archaeology (focus on Prehistoric Archaeology) from the Faculty of Humanities and the Department of Archaeology.
Host Nationality
The Masa Scholarship 2025 will take place in Israel.
There are other Israel Scholarships available for International students in 2025. You can utilize these scholarship opportunities to solve most of your academics problems.
Check out other scholarships you can apply for in 2025 to study in Europe, Africa, Asia, America, etc.
Eligible Nationality
The Masa Scholarship is open to only International (Non-Israeli) Students.
Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.
Aside from Masa Scholarship for International, there are other scholarships available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available.
Scholarship Worth
Eligible participants over the age of 21 automatically receive $2,400 – $4,500 US (depending on the length and cost of your program). Masa Israel also offers eligible participants up to $3,000 US in additional needs-based scholarships.
Eligibility For The Masa Scholarship 2025
The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for the scholarship:
- Accredited BA degree in the humanities, natural or exact sciences, diploma and transcript
- A minimum of 3.0 GPA, 76% or equivalent
- TOEFL scores (if native language is not English or candidates have not previously studied at an institution of higher education where the language of instruction is English). A minimum of 570 (paper-based test), 230 (computer-based test) or 89 (internet-based test)
- Two letters of recommendation from relevant academic faculty members
- Curriculum Vitae/Résumé
- Copy of a valid passport & six passport-sized photos
- Personal statement (500-750 words)
- Medical forms
College Admission Requirement
Entrance Requirements: Applicants must have Accredited BA degree in the humanities, natural or exact sciences, diploma and transcript.
English language Requirements: TOEFL scores (if native language is not English or candidates have not previously studied at an institution of higher education where the language of instruction is English). A minimum of 570 (paper-based test), 230 (computer-based test) or 89 (internet-based test).
How To Apply For The Masa Scholarship 2025
The mode of application is online.
Application Deadline
- Early Application Deadline: March 15
- Late Application Deadline: May 31
Scholarship Link
For More Information on the Masa Scholarship 2025 and application, click on the link below.
Eligibility for winning our scholarship EBook
Get our Scholarship Ebook for free now, indicate interest in the comment section and the Ebook will be sent to you. This offer is for the first 50 people.
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#Masa #Scholarship #International #NonIsraeli #Students #Israel