Got a Passion for Fashion? This fashion scholarship for high school students is basically designed for you! Passion For Fashion Scholarship 2025 is open to talented high school students, who showcase their fashion and retail savvy in order to earn money for education.
This fashion designing scholarship is sponsored by the Art Institute. Top winners receive up to $30,000 worth of educational credit to cover their tuition at any AI campus. Applicants submit “completed evening wear” pieces or ”marketing plans” that highlight their potential.
Moreso, There are plenty of mainstream jobs for fashion graduates, so dial in your design dreams and set a course for a worthy program. Scholarship opportunities originate on individual campuses, in support of fashion-related academic programs – and competitions also yield funding for fashion and design school.
The passion for fashion encourages people to create their own design, fashion marketing, merchandising, or retail plan. The winners will receive a full fashion designing scholarship for the Art Institute.
Who is Sponsoring Passion For Fashion Scholarships?
The Passion For Fashion Scholarship is sponsored by the Art Institutes. They are a collection of eight for-profit art schools owned by the Education Principle Foundation and the remnants of two failed parent companies: for-profit college operator Education Management Corporation and Dream Center Education Holdings.
At The Art Institutes, financial aid is available to those who qualify. We’re here to help you understand everything you need to know to help fund your creative education. We’re always working to make your education more affordable.
In fact, this year, we’ve added three new institutional fashion designing scholarships and grant opportunities to eligible students, including the chance to earn a tuition scholarship for up to 20% of the current tuition rate, up to $18,650.
Level/ Field of Study
Passion For Fashion Scholarship covers the following areas
- Fashion design
- Fashion marketing
- Fashion Merchandising
- Fashion retail management
Host Nationality
The Passion For Fashion Scholarship 2025 is offered by The Art Institute.
You can utilize these scholarship opportunities to solve most of your academic problems. Check out other scholarships you can apply for in 2025 to study in Europe, Africa, Asia, America, etc.
If you are an international student and you desire to study in the United States, Check out the best scholarships obtainable for study in the United State.
Eligible Nationality
The Passion For Fashion Scholarship 2025 is available for students studying in Canada and the United States.
Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.
Aside from the Passion For Fashion Scholarship, there are other scholarships available to international students to study abroad. You can check our scholarship by country to access all scholarships available
Scholarship Worth
Passion For Fashion Scholarship 2025 Worth $ 30,000.
Award amount is put toward tuition charges. Recipients who are awarded the fashion designing scholarship will move onto the national competition where they will compete for a full-tuition scholarship and a chance to win a trip to New York City’s Fashion Week, in addition to an opportunity for a ‘meet-and-greet’ at Seventeen Magazine.
Number of scholarships
Art Institute offers up to 10 Passion For Fashion Scholarship awards annually.
Eligibility for Passion For Fashion Scholarship 2025
Applicant must be a high school student with a minimum of 2.0 GPA who is able to fulfill all general admission and competition guidelines (guidelines differ depending on whether the applicant is competing in Fashion Design or Fashion Marketing & Merchandising and Retail Management).
Passion For Fashion Scholarship 2025 Application Deadline
Passion For Fashion Scholarship 2025 Application Deadline is November 19th.
Scholarship Website
Specific to the passion scholarship Information registration.
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#Passion #Fashion #Scholarship #UPDATED