Over the years, Denmark has emerged as a leading study destination for international education. This is because of the numerous scholarships available to international students.
While many of these Denmark scholarships are fully-funded, others are partially-funded.
Danish students are not left out in these scholarship opportunities because all available scholarships assist both Danish and international students to pursue their studies.
This article brings to you a full list of fully funded scholarships to study free in Denmark.
Why Study in Denmark?
One of the top reasons to study in this happy place is the low tuition. Generally, in Europe students pay a lower tuition that is up a third of the USA tuition.
The enviroment is quite safe for living and studying.
Another reason to study in Denmark is the small class size. They basically combine teaching with research. The chances that your chosen school is in a partnership with either a research institution or business are high. This will allow students to gain practical skills needed at the workplace.
How to apply for a Danish Government Scholarship
International students who wish to apply for a Danish Government scholarship must be exchange students from these countries:
Make sure to meet all the eligibility requirements stipulated at The Ministry of Higher Education and Justice. Then, apply through your school before the deadlines.
Most of the time, the school considers you automatically for the scholarship once you apply to the school. Just make sure the school is among the danish government enlisted institutions.
Top 10 Denmark Scholarships For International Students
The top 10 Danish government scholarships for international students are:
1. The Danish Government Scholarships under the Cultural Agreements
The Danish Government Scholarships under the Cultural Agreements is for highly qualified exchange students and young researchers who wish to study Danish language and culture or other related fields of study such as design, architecture, environmental studies, and other related fields.
The scholarships are only for students enrolled in full-degree studies (Master’s or Ph.D.) in the following countries: Russia, China, Japan, Israel, and Egypt.
The application deadline for the 2025/2025 academic year is 1st March every year.
2. Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Programs in Denmark
Through the Erasmus Mundus scheme, both EU/EEA and non-EU/EEA students can apply for a scholarship to undertake specific Master’s degree programs that are offered jointly by a Danish institution and another European university or college.
READ MORE: Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Programs in Denmark
3. Danish Government Scholarships for Highly Qualified Non-EU/EEA students
Danish higher education institutions receive a limited number of government scholarships each year to fund highly qualified full-degree students from non-EU/EEA countries and Switzerland.
The scholarships are administered by the Danish institutions of higher education. Each institution decides what students receive the scholarship.
The government scholarship consists of two parts and can be given as full or partial tuition fee waivers and/or grants towards covering your living costs. However, this varies depending on the Danish Institution.
5. Danish State Tuition Fee Waivers and Scholarships at Roskilde University
A limited number of Danish state tuition fee waivers and scholarships are offered to highly talented students at the graduate level, who come from countries outside of the EU/EEA and need a residence permit to study at Roskilde University.
The scholarship comes in the form of a tuition fee waiver and approximately DKK 7,800 per month to cover living expenses in Denmark.
READ MORE: Danish Government Long-Term Scholarships
5. IT University of Copenhagen State Scholarships
The IT University of Copenhagen offers state scholarships to three or four exceptionally talented MSc applicants (full-degree students) from outside the EU and EEA every year. The scholarships include free tuition and partly covering living expenses. Basically, it is a Denmark masters scholarship.
6. Danish Government Scholarships at University College of Denmark
Each year, the University College of Northern Denmark has a few scholarship places for non-EU citizens. UCN’s scholarship program covers from 30-50 % of the tuition fees which means that the rest must be paid by the student.
The people who are awarded a scholarship from UCN may under certain circumstances also receive an additional small sum each month to cover parts of their living expenses.
7. Aarhus University Ph.D. Fellowships in Denmark
Aarhus University is offering 30 fully financed Ph.D. fellowships and research training supplements. Both fully financed Ph.D. fellowships granted and research training supplements will be allocated within the Faculty of Health Sciences at Aarhus University, where the Ph.D. student will be employed.
8. The University of Southern Denmark Ph.D. Fellowships
The University of Southern Denmark is a university in Denmark. It has campuses located in Funen, Southern Jutland, and Zealand. The university offers a number of joint programs in co-operation with the University of Flensburg and the University of Kiel.
Hence, The Centre for Contemporary Middle East Studies at the Department of History invites applications for two Ph.D. scholarships in the field of Contemporary Middle East Studies.
9. Danish Innovative Scholarship at DTU
The Technical University of Denmark offers five full scholarships in Blue INNOship and Water efficient industrial production (VIP) to enable students to pursue a two-year master’s program at the University. It is a fully-funded Denmark masters scholarship.
Only citizens from People’s Republic of China, Republic of China, Brazil, Japan, India, USA, and South Korea are eligible to apply.
10.Danish Government Scholarship at Royal Danish Academy
The Royal Danish Academy Danish scholarship is for transfer students from the following regions:
Brazil, China, Egypt, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Russia.
Generally, it is a Denmark masters scholarship, however, Bachelors students who have studied for a minimum of two years can also apply. Again, scholarships are not available to students applying for full masters.
Read this: Study in Denmark: Tuition Fees, Cost of Living, Admission Requirements
The top 10 Denmark Scholarships for international students have been explained in this article. If you are eligible, apply them as they will aid your education in Denmark.
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#Top #Denmark #Scholarships #International #Students